Savings Accounts
Sunic Bank helps you save today to meet your financial goals for tomorrow.
Open OnlinePersonal Savings Account Benefits
With a variety of interest and non-interest bearing accounts, including money market accounts and CDs, your money is here to work for you:
- Monthly or Quarterly Statements Depending on Account
- Online Banking
- Mobile Banking**
- Free ATM Card*
- Automatic Deposits & Transfers from Checking
*ATM card not available for Christmas Club.
**Carrier rates may apply.
Compare Account Options
- Personal
Savings - Earn interest on your entire balance
- $100 minimum opening balance
- You must deposit $100 to open this account. A $3 monthly service charge will be imposed if the balance in the account falls below $100 any day of the monthly statement cycle.
- Earn interest on entire collected balance
- Transaction limitations apply††
- Six withdrawals per calendar month, including in-person, telephone, and electronic. ATM withdrawals are unlimited.***
- First
Savings - For our young savers*
- $5 minimum opening balance
- No minimum balance and no monthly service fee
- Earn interest on entire collected balance
- Transaction limitations apply††
- Six withdrawals per calendar month, including in-person, telephone, and electronic. ATM withdrawals are unlimited.***
- Christmas
Club - It’s never too early to start saving for the holidays!
- $25 minimum opening balance
- No minimum balance and no monthly service fee**
- Non-Interest Bearing Account
- Quarterly Statements
- A check with the full balance of the account will be mailed on November 3rd**
- Account will be funded again with the next automatic or manual deposit
- Transaction limitations apply††
- Health
Savings† - A tax-exempt savings account to pay for qualified medical expenses when you’re covered under a high-deductible health plan (HDHP).
- $100 minimum opening balance
- $1,000 minimum balance. $3 monthly service fee will apply if daily balance falls below the minimum balance any day of the statement period. Monthly service charge waived for the first six months after account opening.
- Variable interest rate on entire collected balance. Earnings from interest are tax-free.
- Can be used for health insurance premiums when between jobs
- After age 65 funds can be withdrawn for any purpose without penalty (Taxes may apply)
* First Savings is available for children aged 17 years and younger. The account will be transferred to a regular savings account when the child turns 18.
**One withdrawal per year when funds are distributed on November 3rd. If November 3rd falls on a weekend, the payment will be made on the next business day. A $10 fee will be charged for each additional withdrawal and will be assessed on the last business day of the month. TRANSACTION LIMITATIONS. According to federal law, transfers from this account to another account or to a third party by pre-authorized, automatic, or telephone transfer are limited to six per month. If the transaction limit is exceed three times in any 12 month period, the account will be changed to one that does not have transaction limitations.
*** The account will be charged $10 each month during which there are more than six withdrawals or transfers, other than those made at an ATM. TRANSACTION LIMITATIONS. According to federal law, transfers from this account to another account or to a third party by pre-authorized, automatic, or telephone transfer are limited to six per month. If the transaction limit is exceed three times in any 12 month period, the account will be changed to one that does not have transaction limitations
††All accounts, with the except of the Christmas Club, will be charged $10 each month during which there are more than six over-the-counter withdrawals or transfers from this account to another account or third party made by pre-authorized transfer, automatic transfer, online banking, or telephone transfer. TRANSACTION LIMITATIONS. According to federal law, transfers from this account to another account or to a third party by pre-authorized, automatic, or telephone transfer are limited to six per month. If the transaction limit is exceeded three times in any 12-month period, the account will be changed to one that does not have transaction limitations.
† Not all high-deductible plans are HSA-eligible. It is the account holder's responsibility to check with his/her insurer to make sure their HDHP is HSA-eligible. HSAs can only be in the name of one individual with one individual signing. If the HDHP is for family coverage, each spouse can open their own HSA and split the contributions to meet the deductible equally, or however they both agree. HSAs will only have inquiry access on Online Banking. HSA accounts do not have overdraft protection. Transactions will be declined for insufficient funds and checks that overdraw the account will be returned.